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May is mental health awareness month

Depressed woman deep in thought outdoorsIn honor of mental health awareness month, I would like to help raise awareness about mental illnesses, such as depression, and suicide. In the United States, 90% of all suicides stem from depression.

We all have our ups and downs, our good days and our not such good days, but not all of us are dealing with chemical imbalances that make us feel like there is no reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Sadly, many people don’t realize how faith can help overcome the strong feelings of depression and suicide.

God doesn’t judge us based on the worst decision we make in life, but on the best decision we make in life. And that is to let Jesus save us.

— Jon Weece, FaithGateway

You may be facing the most bleak, desperate situation, but when you have faith, you know that G0d is always there.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

— Psalm 46:1

For more information how faith can help you with your depressive feelings, read the full article here.

Get started today

If you or a loved one are battling with depression or contemplating suicide, reach out to J.D. for help today. Call now or just fill out the contact form and press Send.