Stay strong during times of struggle

Man Sitting On Bench During A Beautiful SunsetNo one goes through a life of completely smooth sailing. At one point or another, we will all experience some form of difficulty or hardship.

Of course we can’t shove our problems under the rug, but we can’t either allow for them to take over our lives. So what can we do when everything around us seems so bleak?

We know that nowhere in the Bible does God promise us a smooth, safe journey, or that we will experience a life without struggle or strife. During moments of darkness we can try implementing these seven action steps from Chad Veach in, and hopefully find some healing.

Remember that God is with you. He will never leave or forsake you.

Praise God before the breakthrough. Praise Him before the miracle appears.

Surround yourself with people who will speak life over you and your situation.

Don’t get bitter; get better.

Don’t let the enemy convince you that you’re the only one going through something.

Get perspective.

Don’t make any major life decisions until you calm down, drink some water, and get a good night’s rest.

Read the full article here.