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5 PTSD Signs and Symptoms

5 PTSD Signs and Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, is well-known, but often misunderstood mental health issue that is more prevalent than many people realize. The psychiatric disorder affects roughly 1 in 11 people in their lifetime and can be overcome with the proper therapies and treatments. However, PTSD can affect a person for years or even decades, should they not take...[ read more ]

3 Different Types of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, depression, or both, can weave a complicated tapestry through your life, to the point where it’s often hard to even identify what you’re suffering from. That’s where J.D. Murphy and his support staff come into play. Today, we’re here to tell you a little bit about different types of anxiety and depression as well as some of the underlying...[ read more ]