Cherishing your spouse

Cherishing your spouse is a behavior that you can teach yourself with in couples counseling with J. D. Murphy

For many people going about their daily lives, cherishing one’s spouse is often not something that comes to the front of one’s mind. In Gary Thomas’s book “The Art of Cherishing your Spouse,” he describes the steps that need to be taken in order to nurture your relationship with your spouse and value them for who they are and not what they do. Read an excerpt here.

Cherishing one’s spouse takes time and commitment, and through changing your behaviors and moving away from accusation towards gratitude, you can begin to change the mind process of cherishing your spouse instead of taking them for granted.

Cherishing your spouse is a habit that you can adapt for a better relationship

Neuroplasticity describes the ability of the human brain to form stronger connections in the process of learning. It can be an aid towards cherishing your spouse.

Through laying down repetitive and conscious behaviors towards your spouse that extend over a period of time, one lays down neural pathways in the brain which, over time, changes your behavior into an unconscious reaction.

Essentially, cherishing your spouse becomes something natural to your brain after time has been spent focused on your behavior, becoming thankful and less bitter towards them. Cherishing your spouse may not come naturally at first in a world with constant demand, but it is something that can be developed and nurtured over time.

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