Giving Mental Health Support When Living With Mental Illness

FriendsIf you are struggling with your own mental illness, you have a unique ability to be able to help someone else in the same situation as you.

The fact that you may be struggling with your own mental illness, doesn’t need to stop you from being a friend and a support to someone else who is suffering.  In fact, because you are experiencing similar struggles you may even be at an advantage.

Here are some benefits to reaching out to a friend or family member in need of mental health support:

  • Shared experiences are powerful; when both people know they’re not alone, a healing connection is formed;
  • A shared toolbox of healing strategies is created;
  • Helping a friend can keep each person positive through lifting each other’s spirits and motivation.–Tanya J. Peterson, MS, NCC

When reaching out to support a friend who is struggling, keep in mind there needs to be a balance between helping them, and taking care of your own needs.

Read the full article here.