Would you describe yourself as “I’ve fallen out of love”? Working with JD Murphy in marriage counseling, you may be able to regain those feelings that you may have lost.
If the songwriter Chuck Prophet describes your marriage accurately, “Marriage on the skids”, it may be time to reach out for help with JD Murphy.
Marriage on the skids
And the folks ain’t doing well
We’re holding on, we’re holding on…
Lyrics by Chuck Prophet
In working with couples in troubled relationships or marriages that have been suffering, JD often finds that the partners have put band-aids on the relationship for years and years. Sooner or later the band-aids peel off and problems emerge that can trouble or even sink your marriage.
Sweeping problems under the rug is a great short term solution. But, in a marriage, we are in long term relationships. When we sweep something under the rug again and again, guess what happens? Too much stuff gets swept under the rug and we end up tripping over the rug.
Sometimes, it’s about losing communication
If you feel like you and your spouse just can’t communicate anymore or have lost that loving feeling, marriage counseling can get you back on track. If you feel like you are almost like two strangers coexisting in the same home, JD may be able to help you recover feelings that you thought you had lost, and build new deeper feelings that can last for a lifetime.
In marriage counseling, you can learn to communicate. Communication problems can destroy your marriage, but they can also be addressed. You may be surprised at how you and your spouse can learn to meaningfully communicate in ways that meet both of your needs. You can move from “he/she doesn’t understand me” to “he/she really gets me”
Fighting, over and over again
No relationship is conflict free. Two people can’t live together without friction. Sometimes, however, conflict gets out of control. Do you describe your marriage as one where “we keep arguing and fighting,” “we keep getting into arguments,” “we fight about the same thing”? If you do, you are not alone.
Working with JD, you will not learn to have a magical relationship where you never disagree. But, you can learn conflict management. You can learn how to stop repeating the same fight over and over again.
Have you lost trust in each other?
After infidelity, it’s common to feel, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust him/her again.” In fact, it’s a completely reasonable feeling.
Sometimes, you and your spouse, need professional help to figure out if you should leave or try and work things out. In marriage counseling, JD may work with both of you as a couple. He may also need to offer one-on-one with just one of the spouses to help work through the issues that may be triggering infidelity or other issues.
Your next step to get your marriage back on track
Reach out to JD Murphy today. JD is a licensed marriage and family therapist, who brings experience and training to help you get your relationship to a better place. You can change, your marriage can get better, and your family life can improve. Take the first step. Reach out now for help with marriage counseling in Pineville. Call today, or click on the contact form and click Send.