Most of us are aware of the addiction problems facing the younger generation, but did you know that the risk of addiction can also affect seniors?
Many people, in the older generation, are prescribed medications that may seem harmless, but overdose of such medications can be just as harmful as those from heroin sold on the street.
Recent studies have shown that seniors have started to get used and become more dependent on medication, increasing their tolerance, which can lead to overdose and addiction.
What may start out as a normal dosage of opiods to help ease chronic pain, if left un-monitored, can gradually become an addiction.
U.S. emergency departments saw a 78 percent rise in the number of visits among older adults with misuse of prescription or illicit drugs between 2006 and 2012.
– U.S. News, Lisa Esposito, Click here to read the full article.
As a family member or caregiver, you may be the first one to notice a change in the patterns or behavior of your loved one. It is important to be as involved in their medical plan as possible, and find out what and how much is begin prescribed.
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If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction, J.D. Murphy is here to help. Call today or just fill out the contact form and press Send.