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Using faith to recover from addiction

Faith healingDo you feel hopeless? Do you feel that your situation has no way of getting better? Do you feel like your addiction is bigger than you and you don’t have the power or the will to look it in the eye and beat it?

Turning to faith

That’s where faith comes in. Jeff Jay, author of Navigating Grace: A Solo Voyage of Survival and Redemption, speaks about his experience both literally and metaphorically of being on a sinking ship. He describes the moment that faith and the belief in something greater than himself saved him from despair and changed his life. Click here to read the full article.

Strengthening in faith

Often our troubles and difficulties seem larger than life, which throws us into a state of anguish. Through having faith and the firm belief that there is a greater power, a power whose arms you can rest in and find comfort and strength, climbing the mountain and making it through life’s obstacles becomes a whole lot more manageable.

Get started today

Let J.D. Murphy give you the help and support that you need to recover from your addiction. Call today or fill out the contact form and press Send.