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3 Different Types of Anxiety and Depression

3 Different Types of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, depression, or both, can weave a complicated tapestry through your life, to the point where it’s often hard to even identify what you’re suffering from. That’s where J.D. Murphy and his support staff come into play. Today, we’re here to tell you a little bit about different types of anxiety and depression as well as some of the underlying...[ read more ]

Overcoming anxiety

Do worry, stress, and fear make it hard for you to function? Are anxious thoughts getting in the way of your sleep? Does anxiety prevent you from doing what you really want in life and achieving your potential? If you want to live a more calm and peaceful life, then it may be time to consider counseling for anxiety. Stop feeling...[ read more ]

Get relief from panic attacks

Did you have a sudden, unexplained panic attack? A panic attack can feel like a heart attack. Not knowing what triggers or helps with panic attacks can make everyday life intimidating. Are you avoiding everyday tasks such as going out, driving, or work, in case another panic attack hits you while you are away from home? Therapy can help. (more…)

Get out of your slump and stop feeling depressed

[caption id="attachment_396" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Feel good getting back into your daily life[/caption] Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings? Do you never want to leave your house? If you want to get out of your slump and don’t want to feel sad anymore, therapy can help. Therapy for depression offers you support so that you can get out of...[ read more ]

Is There an Upside to Depression?

Chances are you know someone who is struggling with depression. Because of how common depression is, 2 researchers Paul W. Andrews, and J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., have studied the potential upside of depression. People with depression are often more sensitive individuals, and are more attuned to the needs of others. (more…)

You can heal from your depression through mindfulness

Do you have trouble managing your emotions? Are you struggling with depression? If the answer is yes, you may greatly benefit from implementing some mindfulness techniques into your daily routine. Mindfulness requires you to be aware and present in each moment, allowing you to fully experience every situation in your life, the positive as well as the negative.  (more…)

Stay away from post-holiday depression

Are you feeling the "Christmas Blues"? Did the holidays leave you with negative thoughts and feelings about your life? Psychiatrists have long pondered the reason for all this post-holiday negativity, and offered a few pointers to help you get out of it. (more…)

8 things that adult children of alcoholics can do to outwit depression

Is a family member suffering from an addiction, and causing you to fall into depression? If your loved one is struggling with alcoholism or addiction, it is not uncommon that you may feel hopeless and confused. Try beating the depression by learning healthy ways to take care of your body. By taking proper physical care of yourself, you will start living...[ read more ]

13 signs you are suffering from depression

Do you feel sad for no reason? Do you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, and functioning on a daily basis? We all know what it feels like to have a bad day or just feel down in the dumps, but when the feelings don't seem to be going away, it might be more than...[ read more ]

Social media can cause depression in your teen

Does your teen's smartphone constantly get in the way of your conversations or family dinners? We all know that social media is rapidly taking over the minds and hearts of today's teenage generation. What some of us may not know, is that the internet and social media can also be the cause for teenage depression, anxiety and other behavioral issues....[ read more ]