
3 Different Types of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, depression, or both, can weave a complicated tapestry through your life, to the point where it’s often hard to even identify what you’re suffering from. That’s where J.D. Murphy and his support staff come into play. Today, we’re here to tell you a little bit about different types of anxiety and depression as well as some of the underlying...[ read more ]

Overcoming anxiety

Do worry, stress, and fear make it hard for you to function? Are anxious thoughts getting in the way of your sleep? Does anxiety prevent you from doing what you really want in life and achieving your potential? If you want to live a more calm and peaceful life, then it may be time to consider counseling for anxiety. Stop feeling...[ read more ]

Get relief from panic attacks

Did you have a sudden, unexplained panic attack? A panic attack can feel like a heart attack. Not knowing what triggers or helps with panic attacks can make everyday life intimidating. Are you avoiding everyday tasks such as going out, driving, or work, in case another panic attack hits you while you are away from home? Therapy can help. (more…)

What underlies your addiction? Consider trauma/PTSD

J.D. Murphy has published an article on Psychology Everywhere, discussing how many people turn to addiction and addictive behaviors to cope with symptoms of PTSD, especially childhood trauma. He writes,  Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) is a term used to describe every type of childhood trauma such as losing a parent, abuse, or other traumatic experiences. Studies have found that those who...[ read more ]

Get out of your slump and stop feeling depressed

[caption id="attachment_396" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Feel good getting back into your daily life[/caption] Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings? Do you never want to leave your house? If you want to get out of your slump and don’t want to feel sad anymore, therapy can help. Therapy for depression offers you support so that you can get out of...[ read more ]

Sensation Seekers: When Boredom Intolerance Becomes Pathological

Everyone has ups and downs in life, times we are happy and times we are sad. We all go through periods of productivity and times of boredom. Wanting a successful and productive life is a healthy and normal desire. There are some however, that can not handle the everyday, mundane realities that exist in their lives. How we handle boredom...[ read more ]

Do addicts have a choice?

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has re-defined what it means to have an addiction. "At its core, addiction isn't just a social problem or a moral problem or a criminal problem. It's a brain problem whose behaviors manifest in all these other areas," said Dr. Michael Miller, past president of ASAM who oversaw the development of the new...[ read more ]

What is your God-given temperament?

Temperament therapy is a powerful form of counseling, developed to provide more effective and immediate results within a Christian framework. It is based on the insight that each person is born with an innate temperament that cannot be removed, but can be obscured or distorted by living in a way that is incompatible with your deepest needs. Many common mental...[ read more ]

My spouse is addicted to pornography or sex

Help for addiction to pornography is available in Pineville, Louisiana and Alexandria, Louisiana.

If your spouse is addicted to pornography or to sex, help is available. Have you noticed behaviors of addiction in your spouse? You may have noticed that your spouse's changed behavior is negatively affecting your relationship, and may even be causing trouble outside of your home. If your spouse has an addiction to sex or pornography, please call now or fill out...[ read more ]

Is your marriage on the skids?

[caption id="attachment_488" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Would you describe yourself as "I’ve fallen out of love"? Working with JD Murphy in marriage counseling, you may be able to regain those feelings that you may have lost.[/caption] If the songwriter Chuck Prophet describes your marriage accurately, "Marriage on the skids", it may be time to reach out for help with JD Murphy. Marriage...[ read more ]